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Coten End Primary School


Dear Parents/Carers,

We look forward to welcoming you to Coten End. 

We will keep this page updated with any news or information so keep checking for updates.

Please take a look at our 'Early Years' curriculum, EYFS curriculum.  The ‘Intent, implementation and impact’ document gives a clear outline of the Early Years curriculum at Coten End. It explains our goals, values and the ethos of Early Years at our school.

Your child's class teacher will be the first port of call for any queries or concerns as your child starts school.  For general queries regarding the school day and much more, please call or email the school office who will be able help.

We look forward to sharing the next 7-year journey with you and your child!

Kind Regards,

Sarah Sheepy, Headteacher

Naomi Farmer, EYFS Phase Leader