Coten End Primary School
wb. 16 October 2023
An exhilarating start to the week in Year One as we had a visit from the local Fire Service team. They gave a very informative talk to the children about the role of the Fire Service and discussed ways to keep ourselves safe. There were posters and stickers for the children to take home.
We continued our learning in Maths using the part, part, whole method to secure addition. In Science we considered what the senses are and carried out investigations to test which sense we use for which purpose eg, our tongues to taste if food is sweet, salty, bitter or peppery. In English we enjoyed our new book The Perfect Fit by Naomi Jones. The children wrote some brilliant sentences about how we can learn to 'fit in'. We completed our Van Gogh style portraits in Art and we finished off Phase 4 in Phonics.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year One Team