Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 22nd January
Happy Australia Day!
This week in Year 1 we have been very busy in all our lessons.
In Curious Quests, Professor Klunk challenged us to overcome the Biscuit Goblin by using the suffix -ed in our writing. It was very tricky when lots of verbs end in a 't', 'id' or 'd' sound, but we were not defeated!
In Maths, we looked at fact families and subtracting numbers to 20. We are finding using a number line so much easier after all the practising we did during Come & Learn.
In PE, we have been using the book Wombat Stew as part of our dancing lessons. Suzanne helped us to imagine our bodies could be billycans and we practised stirring the pot with different parts of our body.
During our Computing lessons, we were joined by a Code-a-pillar! It was great fun programming him to move around the classroom by turning the dials. We also got to transfer these skills onto the Code-a-pillar iPad game, where we testing our logic.
The biggest news of all was Australia Day! We were lucky to have Zoolabs come and visit us with all their amazing animals. We got to hold a millipede, snake, gheko and a very fluffy rat. We also made aboriginal boomerangs and a paper plate snake! We were very lucky to try some Anzac biscuits made for us by a lovely Nanny in 1CS - thank you for this delicious treat!
Have a lovely weekend!