Coten End Primary School
Week ending 14 October
Another very busy week in Year One.
It was lovely to welcome parents into school for Parents Evening. It is a long time since we have had face-to-face meetings to discuss children's work and it was brilliant that parents could look through the books to see the work the children have been doing. Most parents were amazed at how much work the children have managed to complete in such a short space of time and the progress they have made since the beginning of term.
In Maths we continued to cement our work on addition and subtraction and in English we continued our focus on tricky words and finding them in selected pieces of text. We enjoyed an Autumn walk looking out for signs of the new season in Science and thinking about all the changes taking place in the natural world. Work on ball skills carried on in PE with a focus on chest passes and underarm throws.
We hope you enjoy a restful weekend.
Year One Team
Week ending 7th October, 2022
This week, Year 1 have been busy working on a pictorial method of subtraction in Maths. In Science, they have looked at collecting data linked to eye colour and discussed what they found out. PSHE has focused on our protective behaviours curriculum - The Taking Care Project - and will continue until the end of this half-term.
We have enjoyed watching some clips of a full orchestra playing and managed to identify lots of the instruments that we saw last week on our visit. We learned about the job of the conductor and played some call and response games.
We have continued to work on our skills of touch pad control on the Chromebooks through the creative website 'Tate Art'. Having enough control to make a portrait look like ourselves was a tricky challenge!
See the website below if you'd like to explore this further at home.