Coten End Primary School
Week ending 13th January 2023
Another busy week in Year 1! In English, we have been learning about question marks and have been looking for them in the texts that we read. In Maths, we have been learning how to add two numbers by counting on. We have learnt how to use a number line and enjoyed learning a new skill.
In Science, we have continued our learning about how we can look after animals. This week, we built some hedgehog houses - we hope we shall have some spiky visitors on the weekend! In PSHE this week, we have been starting our new Jigsaw topic - Goals and Dreams. Our teachers challenged us to make our own crowns using paper. We had to listen carefully to the instructions. Some of us worked collaboratively with a partner which our teachers enjoyed seeing! We were learning to persevere when we met a challenge and to understand that it is ok to make mistakes when we are learning.