Coten End Primary School
Week ending 5th May
In Science this week, Year 1 have been predicting how absorbent different materials are. We will be putting these predictions to the test next week with a scientific experiment to find out which would be the most waterproof material to save Captain Raggybeard’s ship from sinking! Our Maths focus of multiplication continued this week as the children pictorially represented multiplication as grouping. They have really impressed us with their knowledge! In English, the children looked at the suffix ‘est,’ using it in their own sentences. They were very excited to create their own maps as part of Geography, learning to use a key and creating their own map symbols.
The children have been learning about the Coronation of King Charles and the significance of the Crown, Orb and Sceptre. Our week ended with an afternoon of crafting crowns and each class having a mini street party with food and fun games!
We hope that you have a wonderful Coronation weekend, spending time with family and friends and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.