Coten End Primary School
Week ending 12th May
Another busy week in Year 1 and how the children have impressed us! In Science, our topic looking at materials and their properties culminated with the children testing which materials were waterproof, and which were absorbent. They used measured syringes to place an equal amount of water on each material, then waited to see what happened. We talked about what made a ‘fair test’ and wrote our conclusions. In Maths, the children have been using the pictorial method to complete their division calculations and some have moved on to solving division problems. We have been very impressed with their understanding of sharing. In English, the children have been learning about the prefix ‘un’ and how it changes the meaning of the root word.
Next week it is ‘Come and Learn.’ We look forward to welcoming you to class to share your child’s learning. On Friday, it is our pirate theme day with lots of fun activities planned and a special pirate visitor to inspire the children!