Coten End Primary School
Week ending 30 September, 2022
It's hard to believe that the children have completed their first month in Year One! If you've managed to look at the newsletter yet, you will see what a marvellous time Year One enjoyed at an orchestral workshop held on Friday at Warwick Junior School. The children were able to have a go at making sounds with saxophones, trombones, drums, bassoons and cellos (see photos). Brilliant fun was had by all!
We continued with our work on addition in Maths and also completed the Phonic assessments. Hygiene was the topic is Science and we thought about ways to keep ourselves clean and healthy. We made some Christmas cards in Art and you should by now, have had a copy of your child's card in order for you to place an order, if you wish to do so. We need orders back in school next week.
In PSHE we started the Taking Care Project and in Computing the children learned how to use a paint program Tate Art (see photos) and developed their mouse control.
Have a great weekend.
Year One Team