Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 06/01/25
Welcome back to all our Year 1 children! We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break and New Year, full of joy and memorable moments. As we return to school, we have jumped straight into the swing of things with a new topic for this half-term: Wombat Stew.
This week, during our Curious Quest, we explored the delightful story, "The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water." The children engaged in discussions about the narrative and used words with the -ed suffix to write sentences about the activities the characters undertook. It was wonderful to see their creativity flourish!
In Mathematics, we have begun our journey into addition and counting on, focusing on numbers up to 20. The children's enthusiasm for numbers is contagious, and it has been lovely to see their confidence grow.
Our Science and Geography lessons have introduced new topics, examining seasonal changes and the reasons behind them. This exploration is sure to enhance their understanding of the world around them.
Finally, in computing, the children have enjoyed learning about the importance of algorithms in coding. They particularly had fun crafting jam sandwiches, emphasising the significance of giving precise instructions.
Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to another exciting week ahead!