Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 18/09/23
Year 2 have settled into the new half-term well, and they have been enjoying this half-term’s topic of Africa. They have been embracing our new topic through many subjects, including African dancing in P.E. and through many texts we have read within our English and guided reading sessions, such as ‘Giraffe’s Can’t Dance’ and ‘The Lion Inside’. The children have also created the most beautiful learning theme book covers in a variety of animal prints, using oil pastels.
In maths this week, we have been looking at part-part-whole models and practising partitioning numbers into their tens and ones. We have also started to look at how we can partition whole numbers into different parts, and we have started to get really good at this!
In science, we have been focusing on identifying whether things are alive, dead, or have never been alive. The children have really grasped the seven life processes by referring to the acronym MRS GREN. The children have also been busy learning about habitats this week, and they have created some wonderful examples of different habitats, the animals that would live within them and the features that make each habitat suitable for them.