Coten End Primary School
WB 02.10.23
It has been another busy, fun-filled week in Year Two this week!
Each of the three classes has had an additional session of tennis over the last few weeks - which they have loved. We have also been loving our djembe drumming and have worked really hard to perfect creating a rhythm whilst listening carefully to other drummers to copy and repeat the patterns that they had heard.
The children have also enjoyed learning about how animals are adapted to their habitats in science and they have even designed habitats suitable for an animal in their books. These habitats have involved some real consideration with regards to how their chosen animal would survive in this habitat.
We have been busy learning how to add two-digit numbers using pictures and objects this week, and the children have really impressed us with their determination to master this. They have also created some wonderful narratives about a zebra family, where the children have showcased all the wonderful learning and vocabulary they have been exposed to during the last few weeks.
An amazing effort all round!