Coten End Primary School
WB 09.10.23
It has been another busy week in Year 2! For Children's Mental Health Day, we recapped our Zones of Regulation and thought about how we can acknowledge which zone we may be in and the strategies we can take, that are personal to us, to move to the 'green zone'. We recognised how knowing different strategies to help us to feel calm will help us to learn more effectively and to also feel safe. To do this, we enjoyed some yoga and other mindfulness activities to practise calming and promoted how to keep our minds healthy.
This week, we also enjoyed showing our adults some maths learning during our 'Come and Learn' sessions. We impressed all of our visitors with how wonderfully we could subtract two-digit numbers, using dienes and by drawing tens and ones pictorially.
We have also been gaining confidence in using Chromebooks during our computing lessons and we showed our understanding of the different parts of a computer by drawing them, using a digital program online.