Coten End Primary School
WB 16.10.23
This week, Year 2 had our harvest celebration where we sang harvest songs and reminded ourselves of the importance of harvest and giving to those that may need support. We shared our assembly with Kevin from the Baptist Church and volunteers from LWS Night Shelter. Kevin talked to us about how Harvest is celebrated by Christians and Chris and Susan explained their important job at LWS Night Shelter, discussing where our food donations would go next. Thanks to all those who donated canned produce for our Harvest Collection. For those still wanting to donate further, please refer to the LWS Night Shelter Instagram page for more information on how you can help.
The children have also been looking at food chains in science this week, and we made our Adinkra stamps in art lessons ready to print on our t-shirts next week - we're very excited about this! The children have worked incredibly hard this half-term in all areas of their learning, and we are really proud of them!