Coten End Primary School
WB 08/01/24
We were very excited to welcome back Year 2 this week!
Year 2 caught up about their Christmas holidays and wrote a recount about all of the wonderful things that they had done, showing off all the grammar that they had learnt so far this year.
We continued to learn about money in maths and used our understanding of adding and subtracting two-digit numbers to calculate and find change. The children are getting much more confident at doing this, so they would benefit by using real change whilst in a shop to keep this skill up.
Year 2 have also begun our new half-term topic of 'How To Train Your Dragon' and have created some wonderful dragon eye topic book covers, using charcoal. We discussed what 'value' means in art and how it refers to shading light and dark. We showed varying levels of light and dark on our dragon eyes by smudging our lines, to make them look 3D.