Coten End Primary School
WB 29.01.24
This half term, Year 2 have begun a new topic called 'Animals including Humans' in science, whereby we have started to look at the life-cycles of different animals and how they carry and give birth to their offspring. This week, we collected data about how many babies an animal can give birth to each time it has babies. The number of offspring an animal had was displayed around our classrooms using different numbers of animal photos. We had to collect the different amounts of each animal photo into a tally chart and then converted this data into pictograms to show our findings.
We have also been learning about Judaism this half-term and this week we learnt all about Bat Mitvahs and Bar Mitzvahs and how Jewish children become a 'Jewish adult' between the ages of 12 12 and 13.
The children have also been perfecting their multiplication and division pictorially this week, as well as doubling and halving.