Coten End Primary School
w/b 15.3.24
This week we celebrated everything Science related in our school’s Science Fair. Many of us have been working hard on our own individual science projects over the last few weeks and we felt really proud to share our findings with our friends and parents. We also had the opportunity to go to Key Stage 2’s Science fair and look at the projects from other year groups.
We had a visit from Mrs Burbidge, who works as an engineer, and ran and workshop. It was interesting to hear about her job and how she uses Science in her day to day work. Maybe we have some future engineers in Year 2!
pleted our own Ice Investigation across school. We investigated if materials impact the rate at which ice melts. We enjoyed predicting which material we thought would keep the ice from melting out of tin foil, cling film, paper and bubble wrap. We completed the investigation as a class and presented our results using block charts and tally charts.