Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 9th September
It's been another busy week in Year 2!
As part of this half term's learning theme 'Awesome Africa', the children have started their African dance unit, which they thoroughly enjoyed. We also looked at how the equator forms a ring around the centre of the Earth in geography, and how it falls in the centre of Africa. We then discussed how being closer or further away from the equator affects the temperatures experienced in each country.
In maths, we recapped how to use part-whole models in preparation for expanding our understanding of partitioning next week. We learnt about expanded noun phases in English this week and the children really impressed us with their use of adjectives and commas within their sentences.
This week, we also read and explored the text 'Giraffes Can't Dance'. The children really enjoyed the use of language, amusing pictures and identifying all the African animals within the story.
Well done for another great week everybody! We hope that you have a lovely, restful weekend.