Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 18th November
This week we continued our work on the present tense in English. We looked at a model text which pretended Guy Fawkes was in the cellar underneath the Houses of Parliament the night he was caught. We thought about what Guy Fawkes could see, hear, feel and touch in order to plan our own narrative. After that, we then wrote our own version, remembering to use the suffix -ing to keep our writing in the present tense.
In Maths we have started to look at Shape. This week has been all about identifying 2D shapes and their properties. We thought about what sides and vertices were and came up with ways to help us remember the names of each 2D shape.
In Science we answered Sci's Big Question of "What is a spoon made out?" We realised that objects can be made out different materials, for example spoons can be made out of metal, wood, plastic and glass!
Finally, we started learning songs for our Christmas Performance. We can't wait to perform these at the end of term!