Coten End Primary School
27th January 2023
In Maths we have been learning about fractions and ordering fractions on a number line.
In PE we have been learning bunny hops and trying to attain bronze, silver and gold standards and also and learning hand -eye coordination skills in tennis, as well as backhand and forehand.
In computing we have been learning how to send an email . First, we wrote an email in are books to our friends then we sent them to Miss Slater. Do you know how to send an email?
In English we have been learning about prepositions and the different word classes like adverbs and prepositions. We have also written a WANTED poster using all of our English skills.
In History in year 3 we have been learning about the stone age houses. What we had to do was get pictures of prehistoric houses and sentences describing them and match them up.
Have a lovely weekend,
from Jamie, Theo and Elena on behalf of Year 3 children and staff