Coten End Primary School
Friday 26th May 2023
This week we had a very exciting time. Here are some of the things we got up to:
On Thursday, we had Sports Day! We did events such as dressing up race, obstacle race and relay race.
In Computing, we made book trailers of books such as Little Red Riding Hood, Matilda and The Gruffalo. We used I-movie.
As you might have known we do swimming every Monday. We do fun, engaging swimming practice with patient coaches.
On Friday, we did a collaboration session with Year 6. We had to try to make the tallest free standing tower out of raw spaghetti sticks and masking tape.
In English, we did a whole school reading assessment about an imaginative picture.
In DT, we have finished sewing our tote bags! We made our bags out of pillow cases supplied from home.
In Maths, we are learning about money. We have learned how to add and subtract pounds and pence.
In Art, we have been drawing abstract pictures of flowers. We did this with Miss Jones thank you Miss Jones.
Our focus value this week is courage! The logo for courage on our value wheel is a mountain and the animal is a lion.
In RE, we have been learning about Hindu and Christian festivals. We really enjoyed learning about all of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses.
In Science, we have been learning about how plants absorb water and nutrients. It was a lot of fun testing it with the celery and food colouring!
by Lola, Jess A and RIsha
on behalf of Year 3