Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 2.10.23
This week, in year four, we’ve been looking at poetry . We have been looking at how to write our own and looking at other people's poetry. In English, we have also been looking at similes and adverbs. In maths, we have been studying negative numbers. We’ve been counting past zero using negative numbers. Also, earlier this week, we were looking at Roman numerals. We were trying to decipher which numbers were which.
We met a man called Mr Bailey from the Rotary Club, and he donated 96 Dictionaries to Year 4. He was talking about the Rotary Club and how he helps people that need help. In geography, we were finding out what land is used for. Like agriculture, leisure, industry and housing. On Wednesday we did singing with Mrs Purser, and we sang" I want to be like you" from the Jungle Book.
By Genevieve, Louisa, Harry and Rosie