Coten End Primary School
Week commencing 27.11.23
This week, Year 4 had the pleasure of performing at the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary's Church. The children have been working incredibly hard over the last couple of months to prepare for the performance and performed 'It's Snowing' and 'Sing up, it's Christmas' on the day. The many parents, families and friends that came to watch commented on how well the whole year group sang. During Science, the children concluded an experiment that they started two weeks ago: understanding whether the diameter of a bowl affects the speed of evaporation. They have been recording results for a week, and combined their measuring skills from Maths with their scientific knowledge to evaluate their experiment. Finally, we have been learning about global warming in Geography. We learnt about what the 'greenhouse effect' is and how humans are causing the temperature on Earth to increase. They then create posters warning about the impact of this and how people across the globe would have their livelihoods damaged and disrupted.