Coten End Primary School
Week commencing 4.12.23
5 weeks down...2 to go! Year 4 have continued their incredibly high standards throughout this week, and we are proud of how they are doing. In English, we began our new writing unit based on the book 'Survivors' and the story of Eric LeMarque; we started watching the film '6 Below', which is what the story is based on. The children have loved every second of it and are building up to write their own survival narrative. In Maths, we continued our work on multiplication and division, and have been very impressed by the understanding of both multiplication and division facts for all times tables. This has been evident in their performance on TTRS. 4SW were the winners in our 'Battle of the Bands' and next week it will be Year 4 v The Teachers! Finally, in dance, the children took on the role of ice sheets and looked at how they move in the sea; they explored different ways of moving from one side of the hall to the other.