Coten End Primary School
Week commencing 11.12.23
The children have had another great week, and they are showing no signs of tiring before Christmas! We have had a great time in English using one of our class texts 'Survivors'. The children have been using the story of Eric LeMarque 'The Snowboarder who got lost' as their inspiration. We have watched clips from the film and the children have written their own survival story based on this. Once completed, we then asked them to publish their work by typing it up. The standard of work was outstanding! In Science, we have been learning about the water cycle, and the children were given the task of creating their own explanation text - using all the technical vocabulary they have learnt. Finally, we had our first intra-house competition of the year, which was held in the sports hall at St Nicholas Park. Year 3 and 4 took part in a benchball competition, and they all competed fantastically and demonstrated a range of our school values in the process.