Coten End Primary School
Even though it was a 4 day week, we managed to fit in an incredible amount this week! Our Sports Day practice continued and the children are busily getting ready for their events - they will be choosing the ones that they want to enter this year. Miss Braddish (Miss Siddorn’s maternity leave cover teacher) is a classically trained singer and pianist, so she has been teaching the children to sing this week. She was thoroughly impressed with the children’s ability. In maths, we have been concentrating on time and the progress from children across the year group has been outstanding. Children are confident telling time to the nearest minute, converting between seconds, minutes and hours and able to solve time problems. Finally, in art, the children created a piece of surrealism art (the false mirror) inspired by Rene Magritte.
On Monday it was the first day back at school and we read Hugo Cabret (the book our learning theme was based on). We also did art where we learnt about Realism and Surrealism. Realism is when people draw something that they can see and surrealism is when people draw random things . On Tuesday, Mrs Jones taught us for the day. In science, our investigation was how can Mrs Marsh make her announcements at the end of lunch so that everyone can hear her. The children stand at different lengths away from the teacher and write down what they thought they heard and the teacher did things that would affect how the children heard it. On Wednesday, we did D.T where we learnt about different types of cams and how they would make the thing on top move. On Thursday we did PE and we did our first lesson on tennis. In the afternoon, we did some more PE and we practiced some activities in preparation for sports day.
Seb and Luisa