Coten End Primary School
20th October 2022
This was our final week of our topic, The Variety of Life, and we have learned lots more knowledge and developed moreeskills for our Learning Theme.
In English, we created impressive expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases to describe the hotel in our class story, The Mountain View Hotel. Then we used these ideas to plan our adverts for the Mountain View Hotel. We wrote really persuasive adverts for the hotel, making the reader want to book a relaxing stay at the luxurious hotel!
In Maths, we learned how to estimate calculations addition and subtraction calculations using our knowledge of rounding and we learned how to check calculations using the inverse operation. We have enjoyed practising our times tables on TT Rockstars!
In Science, we learned about food chains and identified the prey, predators, primary consumers and secondary consumers in food chains. We considered different real- life scenarios in which one organism is removed in a food chain and its effect on the rest of the food chain and the food web.
In Geography, we learned about Ordnance Survey (OS) map symbols and identified their locations using our knowledge of 4-figure grid references. We even drew a map following clues using OS survey symbols and 4-figure grid references!
In PE, we applied our throwing skills, passing skills and chasing skills to play mini matches of tag rugby. We all worked well as a team and showed great co-operation skills.
In PSHE, we completed the Taking Care Project, where we reinforced the message that we all have the right to feel safe all the time and we can talk to someone about something, even if it is small or awful. We learned about safe and unsafe secrets and sorted secrets in safe and unsafe secrets. Importantly, we learned what to do if we feel unsafe and created a network of trusted adults that we could speak to who can help us.
We hope you have a lovely half-term!