Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning: 18.09.2023
This week, Year 5 delved deeply into History with an educational visit to Tamworth Castle! Spread across two days, Year 5 travelled back in time to the Anglo-Saxon invasion to discover what life was like for Britons at the time and how the kingdoms changed over time!
During the visit, Year 5 participated in two workshops: Marvellous Mercians and Anglo-Saxon Warriors. In these workshops, Year 5 explored the social structure of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings considering the roles and responsibilities of those in society. Later, the explored the military strategies of both groups and - using wooden swords and shields - went head to head in a battle to scare their opponents. As well as this, Year 5 heard about the changes that occurred within the kingdom of Merica: its Kings and influential women. Following the workshops, Year 5 had the opportunity to explore the Anglo-Saxon collection at the castle which is hosting key pieces of the infamous Staffordshire Hoard.
Whilst half of the year visited Tamworth Castle, the other half remained a school to develop their knowledge and understanding of the wider Anglo-Saxon and Viking period. From learning about the heritage of place names using a key and a local map to discovering the mythical beginnings of Viking runes, the children enjoyed getting to grips with aspects of the period that are not always covered in the curriculum.
Throughout the week, we continued to think about the half-termly value of curiosity and its importance on helping our knowledge to grow and develop. As we continue deeper into the first half-term, Year 5 will continue to ask important questions that inspire and intrigue.