Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning: 25.09.2023
Let us introduce Miki and Orly the newly appointed Year 5 Bloggers and co-authors of this week's instalment!
Engaging English
In English, we've been working with subordinating and coordinating conjunctions and using them in sentences about the Viking raid of Lindisfarne. We've been using them with connect clauses and, when using subordinating conjunctions, exploring how to switch the main clause and subordinate clause to create sentence variety. We also spent time researching the raid of Lindisfarne which, once we've learnt some more key skills, we will use to write a newspaper article about the attack.
Marvellous Maths
In Maths, we started the week learning different mental strategies for adding and subtracting numbers, before moving on to column addition and subtraction. We spent time practising short division in the Key Skills lesson. Lots of children became really confident with their dividing and used their skills to solve reasoning and problem-solving tasks.
Spectacular Science
In Science, we have been looking at different forces such as air and water resistance. We spent time analysing the data we collected from our parachute experiment last week before forming a written conclusion that reflected on the predictions we made.
The week in PSHE, we have been focusing on the Coten End Values and updating our Class Charter to decide if there are any of the UN Rights of the Child articles we would like to add, change or remove.
Gripping Geography
In Geography, we explored the use of four and six-figure grid references using OS Maps of the local area. We learnt that we needed to read the eastings and northing correctly to accurately locate points of interest.
Miki and Orly (Year 5)