Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning: 06.11.2023
Extraordinary English
This week in English, we learnt about J.F. Kennedy and his speech to the American public from Rice University kick-starting the Space Race. "We choose to go to the Moon in this decade - and do the other things - not because they are easy but because they are hard." Following this, we designed a mission patch based on those that astronauts create ahead of their operations in space. We based the patches on our half-term value of kindness. We also spent time building up words and phrases for use in our poems next week.
Marvellous Mathematics
In Mathematics, we worked at identifying multiples and factors of numbers. We learnt to find factor pairs for different numbers and learn about the common factors of each number. We also learnt about prime and square numbers and strategies for identifying or calculating square and prime numbers.
Super Science
In Science, we began learning about our new learning theme: The Truth is Out There. We started by looking at the planetary order and the distances between the Sun and the planets. We looked at three different ways for representing the planetary order with increasing accuracy and at different scales. Interested? Watch Mark Rober demonstrate the scale. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR5VJo5ifdE). Finally, 5AJ visited Warwick School to explore the use of microscopes in Science and look through them to better explore some interesting samples including a sample of a rat's stomach.
Magnificent MFL
In Frrench, we practised using bilingual dictionaries to complete a series of challenges linked to our topic of Space. We also found out who our French pen pals will be and that we will be writing to them before Christmas! Revenez bientôt pour plus d’informations!
Noteworthy Events
On Friday, we had a school disco! Thanks to Friends, children in Key Stage 1 and 2 were able to come in their own clothes and party (with snacks) the night away! We have been told that our fantastic Friends also managed to raise a good amount of money that can be used to support the learning of children across Coten End.
On the 6th November, some of the children in Year 5 participated in a dodgeball competition where they were judged on their teamwork and sportspersonship. Honesty and respect were key and...Coten End won! This means that we will be attending the finals in a few weeks time.
Finally, we were visited by the RockSteady Team who showed us what could be possible if we signed up and formed rock bands under their guidance.