Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 2nd September
What an incredible first week! Year 5 have made a fantastic start to the school year - already demonstrating so many of our school values in getting started straight away on the work.
This half-term, our theme is the Marvellous Mayans, where Year 5 will be studying all about this fascinating civilisation that lived in Central America for over 3000 years. We have also begun to look at our class text "Oh Maya God" by Maz Evans which promises to be an entertaining year.
In Maths, we have been looking at Roman Numerals and place value within larger numbers. As if that wasn't enough, the children have begun to design their own Mayan temples using patterns and printing to design their front covers.
So much has been fitted into this first week and the whole team is excited about what is to come over this academic year: a truly fantastic start from everyone!