Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 16/09
Another exciting week has flown by in Year 5 - it is hard to believe that we are already three weeks in.
Year 5 have been busy exploring place value in maths and how they can partition up numbers to 1,000,000 in both standard and non-standard ways. In English, they have begun writing their own diaries based upon our key text - "Oh Maya Gods" - and are already impressing us with their informal chatty style of writing and high levels of description.
As if that wasn't enough, they have been investigating air resistance in Science to see if they can design the optimum parachute. They have also continued their flute and swimming lessons and it is brilliant to see their confidence in these two areas develop.
And just for good measure...they have continued with their study of the Marvellous Mayans by examining how they were able to create a successful empire in such a harsh climate as well as begin to design their own masks inspired by Mayan patterns and culture.