Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 13.01.25
This week in Year 5, we’ve been reaching for the stars!
In English, we’ve been diving into the incredible lives of two space legends: Yuri Gagarin, the first human to journey into space, and Katherine Johnson, the mathematical genius who played a crucial role in NASA’s space missions. Year 5 have been inspired by their remarkable stories and are working hard on writing chronological reports to share the key events of their lives.
Next, we’ve been sharpening our skills with area and perimeter in Maths. Year 5 have shown fantastic perseverance and teamwork, many of us now feeling confident at calculating the space inside and around rectilinear and compound shapes.
Our Science lessons took us on a journey across the solar system. Using rulers, we worked out planetary distances, then brought the planet sizes to life with playdough models. It was amazing to see just how huge Jupiter is compared to tiny Mercury—and how far apart the planets really are!
In DT, we explored the purpose and design of the moon buggy as well as learning about Eduardo San Juan, who helped design the buggy that allowed astronauts to explore the lunar surface.
Finally, in Art, we combined creativity and precision to bring the planets to life. We explored the magic of paint shades and careful brush techniques to create realistic textures and tones for our planets. From blending colours for Mars’s dusty surface to perfecting Saturn’s golden hues, the class showed incredible focus and attention to detail.