Coten End Primary School
Week Beginning 20.01.25
This has been an another busy week for Year 5 as we travel further on our journey through the history of space travel.
This week we have been focusing on Neil Armstrong and learning all about his adventurous journey to the moon. This has all been in preparation for the children writing biographies about key figures in space travel.
In maths we have begun looking at long multiplication - a key mathematical skill and we have been impressed with the children's resilience in learning how to solve calculations using this method.
In science we have been looking at how the sun, Earth and moon all interact with each other, learning about orbits and rotations. This has enabled the children to begin to explain more scientifically how day, night and the seasons happen. We have also compared planetary sizes using playdough to help us to create scale models.
In DT, we have explored how pulley systems work. This will be important for our models which we will be constructing next week.
Finally, this week we were fortunate to be entertained by four members of the Orchestra of the Swan. They explained to the children all about their instruments and even played some very recognisable pieces.
Just another typical, busy, action packed week in Year 5.