Coten End Primary School
Monday 7th November
In Year 5, we are enjoying our new topic 'Magical Muggles.' We have introduced our topic in English by writing some descriptions of Privet Drive and Dumbledore. The children remembered to use all the Key Skills they have learnt so far in Year 5 to create mysterious and suspenseful openings. You can read some of these below.
At the end of last half term, we finished our Science learning on Forces by carrying out an investigation to understand how friction works... using shoes! Have a look below at some of the work and photographs of our experiment. We are looking forward to our new topic, understanding states of matter and the properties of different materials.
In DT this term, we are beginning to explore materials ready to design and then create a Hogwarts inspired banner. We are also beginning our Music learning in which we will learn about the composer and score written for the Harry Potter films. 5BW are also continuing our Ukulele lessons. The other Year 5 classes will also have the opportunity to take part in these lessons throughout the rest of the academic year.