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Coten End Primary School

Monday 28th November

In Maths we have worked very hard on our long multiplication and the children seem much more confident with this method.  We are now going to be moving onto formal division and introducing the concept of remainders.

In English we have written our Howlers, you can see some photographs of these below.  They look fantastic. We are now going to be writing our final piece of work for this half term - a missing Chapter from Harry Potter.  Hopefully we can show off all the Key Skills we have covered so far in Year 5. 

In Computing, we have been enjoying tinkering around with Scratch and learning how to code using this platform.  We have been focusing on adding Music to programs we have written.

Our Music lessons have been focusing on understanding how an orchestra works and looking at the different families of instruments.  We have revised how different instruments produce sound and have been learning about the role of the composer, particularly in relation to the famous Harry Potter theme song.  5BW are still enjoying their Ukulele lessons - there is only one more this half term!  We have learnt how to play some chords and play along to songs.   The other Year 5 classes are looking forward to their Ukulele lessons in Spring and Summer term.

Friday this week is our Harry Potter theme day - we are all very excited to dress up and make some exciting potions.  There might also be a special visitor...

Monday 21st November

In Maths we having moved onto learning how to complete formal multiplication (2 or 3 digits by 2 digits).  This is a new process for Year 5 and we are having to concentrate hard in our lessons to remember the method!  Don't forget to check the Parent Information Pack for examples of this method to help your children at home.

In English we have learnt about the present perfect form of verbs and we are revising tenses.  We have also looked at adverbials (which can tell us something about the time, reason, manner or place).  We will soon be reading different letters inspired by Harry Potter characters and then we will be writing our own.

Following the DT process, we are still working on our designs by practising different stitches.  We have worked on back stitch, running stitch, over stitch and blanket stitch.  We are excited to begin sewing our final projects!

In Science we have been looking at states of matter and answering Big Questions such as, "Which substances are soluble or insoluble?" We have been carrying out experiments and investigations to test our Big Questions.

Our PE lessons have been inspired by Harry Potter this half term!  We are learning how to play Quidditch (sadly using hockey sticks instead of broomsticks) and have been choreographing our own dance routines to the Harry Potter theme tune.  

Monday 14th November

In Maths we have been working on prime numbers, multiples, factors, square numbers and cube numbers.  Soon we will be moving onto the formal process for multiplication.  Don't forget to keep revising your times tables using TTRS!

Our English lessons have been doing lots of descriptive writing, ensuring we are using adventurous vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures.  This week we are beginning to revise some important Key Skills ready to write a Harry Potter inspired letter...  We have also enjoyed welcoming our adults into the classroom this week for our Come and Learn sessions, which have focused on writing.

We are beginning to follow the DT process of Explore --> Design -->  Create --> Evaluate.  After exploring different materials, we used Computer Aided Design to create our designs.

We recently took part in a PSHE workshop which reminded us all about how to stay safe at home, school and online.  We watched different sketches which demonstrated different situations, and we then discussed them in groups.  We learnt the PANTS rule to help us remember the key messages.  You can see some photographs of this event below.

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