Coten End Primary School
Week beginning 18th December
🖌Year 6 Art Project🎨
By Fraser and Ashley, 6MC
In year 6, we have been doing perspective in art and, with paint, we have made a Galapagos landscape. We completed this project within a span of 2 days. We started on a Wednesday and finished on a Thursday.
Our first step was to roughly sketch one of four pictures that were shown onto a blank piece of A3 paper. We had to complete this sketch in 10 minutes but some had to continue onto 15.
Our second step was to paint the sky in a light shade of blue. It took a very long time to get the right shade of blue. We had to paint in a swirling motion as the sky, isn’t perfect.
Our third step was to paint the ocean. To create an ocean effect, we made the paintings gradually darker as we moved further to the left or right. This made it look like it got deeper as it went on.
Our fourth step was to paint the rocks/mountains in grey, black or brown. This made the rocks look sharp and real.
Our fifth step was to paint the sand. To get the correct colour, we had to mix yellow, bronze and gold. To make a sandy effect, we dabbed the tip of the brush over and over again to make tiny little dots or sand.
Our sixth step was to paint the grass or bushes. We painted them in a dark shade of green because light green does not show up as much in nature.
Our seventh and final step is to add details. These include clouds, birds, seaweed, animals and modes of transport.
Overall, they looked excellent!