Coten End Primary School
WC: 02.09.2024
Y6 Correspondents: Annabel and Eleanor.
The first week back after the summer holiday saw the children of Year 6 return to start their final year at Coten End. With less than twelves months left in primary school, we set about getting to grips with our new year group.
Marvellous Mathematics
In Mathematics, we learnt about the expectations of Year 6. As it was a Teacher Training Day on Monday, we spent our first lesson reminding ourselves how to layout of books to a high-standard. We also started to work on the first unit, "Number and Place Value" and worked to identify digits in numbers up to 10,000,000.
Exciting English
As with Mathematics, we spent the first lessons reminding ourselves of presentation expectations and practising meeting of first Key Skill. It was also the start of our unit investigating William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' and becoming familiar with the main characters that we will dive into as the weeks progress.
Scintillating Science
Our first unit in Science is all about Light. We worked in the first lesson to develop an experiment that would prove that light travels in straight lines. To do this, we worked collaboratively, using the resources available, to find new and creative ways to test and demonstrate our hypothesis.
Horrible History
In History, we started to explore the Tudors - a family dynasty that ruled England from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I. This week, we ordered a series of events chronologically to create a basic Tudor timeline before considering how best to represent it in our learning theme books.
Job Applications
Part of being in Year 6 is our ability to help support the school community by taking on roles of responsibility. Mr. Williams spoke to use about the different roles that will be available for us to lead this year and we had time to apply for them via Google Classroom.