Coten End Primary School
Breakdown of Places
The following information details offers of Receptions places for September 2022:
Published Admission Number: 90
Places offered: 90
Breakdown of places offered: Applications received on time - C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6. Offers also made to C7 up to a distance of 0.92 miles.
A school might receive more applications than the number of places available (the Published Admission Number or PAN). If this happens for Community, Voluntary Controlled schools or Academies (where the school has adopted the Local Authority admissions arrangements) places will be allocated using the Local Authority's oversubscription criteria.
Warwickshire Local Authority over subscription critiera
The following criteria were used where schools have received more applications than places available after children with Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) had been admitted first.
Criterion 1: Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
Criterion 2: Children who receive the Early Years Pupil Premium for their early years provider.
Criterion 3: Children who are currently, or have been at any point since 1st September 2015, subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan.
Criterion 4: Children living in the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in Years 1 - 6 at the time of admission.
Criterion 5: Other children living in the priority area for the school.
Criterion 6: Children living outside the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in Years 1 – 6 at the time of admission.
Criterion 7: Other children living outside the priority area for the school.
Within these criteria priority is given in order of straight line distance between the home address and school. The shortest distance has the highest priority. Distance will be calculated by the straight line measurement from the applicant's home address to the centre point ("centroid") of the preferred school (all measurements are subject to changes that may occur as a result of updated mapping data). This applies equally to those living inside and outside the County's boundary.
A School's priority area is defined on the Warwickshire Admissions website - https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions