Coten End Primary School
Catchment Area
To find your catchment school, please follow the link to an interactive map which will show priority areas for schools.
The northern boundary follows the Grand Union Canal, Charles Street (excluded as is Waterloo Court), Emscote Road (only properties on the northern side are included), the Railway Line, the River Avon and the River Leam to Princes Drive.
The eastern boundary is formed by Princes Drive and Europa Way to the Bishops Tachbrook parish boundary. The southern boundary follows the Bishops Tachbrook parish boundary as far as the River Avon. The western boundary then follows the River Avon, Mill Street (excluded), St. Nicholas Church Street (excluded) to the junction with St. Johns. From the St. Johns junction the boundary follows The Paddocks and cuts across Priory Park to Trueman Close and then follows Trueman Close, Vine Lane, Wathen Road and Millers Road (east of Scar Bank) to the Grand Union Canal.