Coten End Primary School
Moving School Within the Academic Year
Changing your child's school can affect them in many ways and the decision should not be taken without careful thought. Nevertheless, we know that a number of families will need to transfer their child to another school during the academic year, rather than at the usual transfer times. These school moves are called in-year admissions.
Is a move the best step for your child?
Prior to beginning the process to move schools, consider carefully the following:
- Might any issues/concerns with your child's current school be resolved by discussing your worries with the headteacher?
- If your child is struggling with their work and you feel they need support, discuss this with their class teacher.
- If your child getting into trouble at school, make an appointment to talk through the issues, to see if problems can be resolved.
- Would your child be able to adapt to a new school, with a possible change to how a new school delivers the National Curriculum and having to make new friendship groups?
- Would travelling to a different school lengthen the school day?
- How do the before and after-school clubs provided by your child's current school compare to those offered by the schools you are considering?
- We would also advise that a child admitted to a particular school does not guarantee their sibling receiving an offer.
If you feel there are issues with your child’s current school and wish to seek advice on your rights, do not agree to remove your child from the school’s register before discussing your situation with the admissions service.
If your child has previously been educated outside of the UK and you are therefore unable to obtain this information, we recommend you include a recent school report if possible. Other documents to support your application such as proof of address and faith evidence (where applicable), can also be uploaded.
To make an in year application, please visit: