Coten End Primary School
Physical Education
Curriculum Lead: Ashleigh Morgan
Physical education at Coten End provides opportunities for all pupils to become physically active in a way that supports their health and fitness. Children will be given the opportunity to be active on a daily basis and will learn the importance of exercise as a lifestyle. It gives chances for children to be creative, cooperative and competitive and to face up to diverse challenges both as individuals and in groups. Many activities taught in PE improve teamwork and leadership skills, whereby children can develop essential concepts of fair play, honest competition and good sportsmanship. We aim to provide children with a broad range of physical activities, with a progression of skills that builds on past understandings and combines new practices. We strive to deliver engaging and inclusive lessons so that children of all capabilities can appreciate and enjoy PE for sustained periods of time. We enable all children to swim competently and learn about water safety as an essential life-saving skill. Physical education can also reduce anxiety, stress and tension and results in improved attention in the classroom, fundamentally supporting children’s mental well-being.
- A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth in the different subject areas. A wide range of sports and activities are delivered from Reception to Year 6 enabling pupils to develop their knowledge and skills in physical education in a variety of different areas.
- A specialised sports coach supports and delivers some of our physical education lessons across KS1 and KS2. This ensures pupils are receiving high quality Physical Education in sport specific areas and also teachers are receiving CPD whilst the sessions are being delivered.
- Alongside our curriculum provision for P.E we also provide all pupils with the opportunity to participate in at least 3 different sports clubs weekly. These clubs may be provided by our resident sports coach, class teacher or external coach. Pupils are consulted termly about which sports club they would like to be offered.
- Pupils are encouraged to take part in competitive sport. Upon joining the school each pupil is allocated a ‘House’. Each term the pupils compete in a variety of different sports and can earn house points for their house. At the end of the school year pupils also compete in a fun/ competitive school games event. Sport Ambassadors are recruited from the Year 6 pupils each year.
- Coten End also encourages pupils to apply their skills and knowledge in sports against other schools. Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in team games against other schools. Sports that we compete in during the academic year are football, netball, athletics, cricket, dodgeball, gymnastics, archery and multi-skills and rounders.
- All children from the age of year 3 are encouraged to take part in weekly swimming lessons for half of the academic year. Pupils will be able to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and will know how to remain safe in and around water.
- Year 6 are provided with ‘Bikeability’ session which aims to develop mastery in cycle handling in an off-road environment and prepare riders for cycling on the road.
- Our PE Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.
- We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different physical activity areas and like other subjects discreet vocabulary progression also form part of the units of work.
- If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.
- Pupil discussions about their learning.
- Video/Photo analysis through recordings of performance in lessons.
- The annual tracking of standards across the curriculum. - The impact of our P.E curriculum is also measured in the uptake of our afterschool clubs and participation in inter school sports competitions. Each year we aim for 50% of pupils to have attended a sports club or competed against another school in a sport. Participation levels are tracked by our specialised sports coach.
- External measures are also used to measure the impact of out P.E curriculum. Each year we apply for the School Games Award. This recognises high quality provision in school with either a bronze, silver or gold award. We have achieved the Silver Award for our high-quality physical education and school sport.
Coten End's School Games Mark
We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.
As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.
On 19th January 2023 we set off to North Solihull Sports Centre to compete in the CWSSP Dodgeball County Finals. We were one of two teams representing Central Warwickshire after we won the Central Warwick competition earlier in the year. We had to score each other using the three values: teamwork, honesty and respect by 1,3, or 5! Confusing, I know! After each game we would rate our opponents out of a maximum score of 15. Game after game, we all saw some good throws and catches and the whole team had to admit that we were up against some very good competition. However, we were desperate to win 1 st place. Suddenly, a big air horn went off, we knew the final result was pending. After 3rd and 2nd were announced, it was time for the champions to be crowned “The winners are from Central Warwickshire………...” We and another school were representing Central Warwickshire. We were excited at the thought of us possibly winning. Then they called out, ‘Coten End!’ The team exploded into extreme happiness and joy. Our brains exploded. We stood up ready to receive our medals. We were all so excited. We beat 15 teams from all over Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire. Champions.
Written by Prem (Y5) and Anaya (Y5)
NB Prem was also awarded ‘Player of the Tournament’!
Year 1 Dance - 12.1.23
The Year 1s have been exploring Australia and Wombat Stew story through creative dance. They explored the geography of Australia making the shape of Ayers Rock and insects in the rainforest. Today, they explored how Dingoes move, how a Billy (cauldron) is round with their bodies and what wombat stew would taste like and how it would make their bodies move.
Dodgeball - 9.11.22
On 9th November, Coten End entered a 'Spirit of the Games' dodgeball competition. At the end of each match, each team rated their opponent out of 5 for their respect, teamwork and honesty, resulting in a maximum of 15 points scored per game. After their 7 matches, the Coten End team won the competition with a tally of 87 points. This result means that they will represent Central Warwick in the county finals. Congratulations all of you!
Football - 18.10.22
On Friday 18th, the Y5 and Y6 girls football team played an exciting match against Budbrooke Primary School. Both teams were great and gave us a challenge, although in the end Coten End won 5-0. The girls who scored were Amelia (6WW) ,Lucy (6JL) and Molly (6AJ). Amelia scored 3 ,Lucy scored 1 and Molly scored 1. Hope we get another victory next game. By Amelia and Molly (6AJ)
Rowing - 12/10/2022
The Coten End Year 6 Rowing team entered a competition that was held at Campion School. The competition consisted of 6 teams, with each child having to row for 90 seconds to see how far they could go. Each Coten End boy won their individual races, with each travelling over 380 metres! The winning team were Joshua, Callum, James and Barny