Coten End Primary School
SEND Provision
SEND at Coten End
At Coten End Primary School, we are proud of our acknowledged commitment to each individual child. We recognise that children learn and develop in different ways so we aim to provide a curriculum that supports, challenges and enriches every step of the learning journey for every child.
Some children will need specific support at some point in their school career with something they find challenging and we aim to provide that support within a caring environment, drawing on a wide range of external expertise as appropriate.
Similarly, many children are ready to embrace a high level of challenge to reach their full potential and we provide a personalised approach to their learning.
Our SEND and Inclusion policy describes the way we meet the need of children who experience barriers to their learning, which may relate to sensory or physical impairment, learning difficulties or emotional or social development, or may relate to factors in their environment, including the learning environment they experience in school.
You can view our SEND and Inclusion policy by clicking on the link below.
The Local Offer
Warwickshire Local Authority publishes a 'Local Offer'– setting out a wide range of information about the specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND. It explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You will also find information about:
- where to go for advice and guidance on SEN and disability matters
- leisure activities for children with SEND
- arrangements for resolving disagreements and mediation
You can view the Warwickshire Local Offer here.
If you have concerns about your child’s needs, please arrange a meeting time with the class teacher first.
Liz Munday is our SENDCo, and leads on the day to day operation of our SEND procedures, following guidance in the SEND Code of Practice. You can contact her through the school office on 01926 491329 or admin2623@welearn365.com.
Our Governor for SEND, Helen Thompson, has a responsibility for monitoring and supporting the school on SEND matters on our governing body. If you would like to meet with her, please arrange this through the school office.