Coten End Primary School
School Information
School Milk
Your child is automatically registered for school milk if they are under 5 years old. Please follow the link below to register your child for milk once they turn 5 years old.
Family Information Service Newsletter
Information about starting school, immunisations, voucher schemes and much more
Preparing children to start school (information from School Health)
School Uniform
At Coten End we aim to make our uniform as flexible as possible for parents, so generic uniform such as trousers, skirts, shirts and red jumpers and cardigans (without the school badge) can be purchased from a variety of outlets, particularly as they can become messy during the course of their learning! Should you wish to purchase items with the school badge on, including polo shirts, jumpers, cardigans, the Coten End book bag, PE bag and school fleece, these can be ordered online via Myclothing, an online ordering service - http://myclothing.com.
It is essential that each item of uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name. There are many companies that supply named labels and previously many parents have used Easy2Name, https://www.easy2name.com/ (please enter the code FR-COTENEND-11 at checkout to raise money for school), however we have found it best to use a product that 'stamps' your child's name onto the care label as this does not wash off at all. Please follow this link to see the product, https://stamptastic.co.uk/products/standard-name-stamp
‘Friends’ hold second hand uniform sales throughout the year should you wish to donate uniform your children have grown out of or purchase items for your children. We also have an online ordering service for our second hand shop, please use the following link to order uniform from here, Order School Uniform
Uniform List
- Grey or black trousers, shorts, pinafore dress or skirt
- Red or white polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or jumper or cardigan
- Red and white summer dress
- Grey or white socks
- Grey, white or red tights
- Black shoes (trainers, Vans, Dr Marten-style boots, and sandals are not suitable)
- A suitable coat for all weathers (any colour) – a hoodie is not an acceptable alternative for a coat
PE Kit
- School bag for P.E kit
- White round neck or v neck t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black indoor pumps (without laces)
- A spare pair of pants and socks (just in case!)