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Coten End Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Blog



Week Beginning 19.9.22

This week in Y2 we have been learning about verbs in our English lessons. We now know lots of different types of words including: verbs, nouns (proper nouns) and adjectives. We have even learnt about past tense verbs and how to change a verb into the past tense. In our maths we have been learning how to subtraction using dienes this week. We have been learning about habitats in science. This week was very exciting because we went on a habitat walk around school to search for micro habitats. We looked under rocks, under logs, in the grass and in the mud to find different insects that live in micro habitats around school.

Week Beginning 12.9.22

This week we have been learning about addition in maths. We have used the dienes to help us practically make the numbers and calculate our answers and then moved on to pictorially drawing our calculations in our books by drawing the dienes underneath each calculation. In English we have been learning about nouns and adjectives, we have been exploring the different types of nouns including names of people, places, things, animals and abstract nouns. We have then worked hard to combine nouns and adjectives to create some expanded noun phrases to describe different African animals. On Friday afternoon 2RS were very lucky to have Steve in to do some tennis coaching. We really enjoyed learning the basics about tennis and all having a go.

Week Beginning 6.9.22

Welcome to the Year 2 blog. What a busy first week we have had at school! We have been getting used to the way things work in Year 2, learning new routines, getting to know our teachers and are now the oldest children in KS1! We feel very grown up.